Meet Josh

Meet Josh, a Weaver Eggs employee, who has a passion for both the cutting edge and the classic. Josh is a tech enthusiast, mechanic aficionado, and dedicated family man.  

Josh found Weaver Eggs through his background in wind turbine repair. He has been at Weaver Eggs for over seven years and currently serves as the processing manager. 

While many people are concerned about the future of artificial intelligence, Josh is excited about its capabilities and potential in the workplace. He says he became very interested in artificial intelligence coding through his love for mechanics. His fascination with artificial intelligence isn’t just professional – it’s personal. He sees it as the key to unlocking the next wave of human progress. Whether he’s researching artificial intelligence or coding his own vision system, Josh is very passionate about the role this technology will play in society.  

Vintage motorcycles are also something Josh loves.  He applies his mechanical skills to everything from restoration to just taking them apart for fun. 

And then there’s Josh the family man. When Josh isn’t immersed in the world of artificial intelligence or tinkering with motorcycles, you’ll find him cheering from the sidelines at his kids’ sports games. Whether it’s volleyball, baseball or football, Josh is their biggest fan.  

Thank you for all you do Josh!  

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707 S. Front St.
Columbus, OH 43206
(614) 882-6111

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