Meet Sandra and Daniel Lausecker
This sibling team operates Outward Farms, a family-owned egg farm that takes a unique approach to egg farming to meet the needs of their consumers and customers. As millennials, Sandra and Daniel know that today’s consumers are more socially conscious than ever before when it comes to the products they buy, which is why they’ve built Outward Farms to give consumers an inside look into their farm and to offer a variety of responsibly raised eggs for Ohio families.
How is your farm involved in the local community?
At Outward Farms, visitors will be able to see into our processing plant and one of our henhouses through viewing windows, which will allow us to give tours to community members, schools, 4-H groups and FFA chapters. This will give visitors a transparent look into what goes on behind-the-scenes at our farm. We are always open to any questions from community members and welcome their feedback.
What measures are taken on your farm to protect and preserve the environment?
Being environmental stewards is extremely important to us. We live in rural Ohio and work with a community of farmers and we all know that it’s critical to take care of the environment and community that we all live and work in.
What measures are taken on your farm to ensure the health and productivity of flocks?
Our hens’ welfare is our main priority. Every two weeks, our veterinarian comes to the farm to check the hens’ health, diets, production and determines any environmental changes that should be made. Each barn has its own animal care team that monitors the birds several times per day to ensure they’re all happy and healthy and have constant access to fresh food and water.
What does it mean to work with your family?
Daniel: It’s nice working with my sister. We each have different roles and it’s nice to see Sandra every day at work. We stay outside of each other’s responsibilities, which is nice. It works well together.
Sandra: I think it’s awesome to get to work with my brother every day. Our dad still comes around to the office a couple hours every day. It’s very nice for us to take on this next chapter and grow the business. We are very different. Our personalities are different. Our strengths are very different, and I think that really is a great compliment to our working relationship and how we can grow our business and respect each other’s viewpoints and hear a different perspective than what we might only see every day.