By ohioeggs Breakfasts, Quick Meals
August 21, 2017
Whip up some scrambled eggs in the microwave with this easy three minute recipe!
5 mins
10 mins
2 Tbsp. milk
Salt and pepper
BEAT eggs, milk, salt and pepper in microwave-safe bowl until blended.
MICROWAVE on HIGH 45 seconds: stir. MICROWAVE until eggs are almost set, 30 to 45 seconds longer. SERVE immediately.
Don't overcook. Scrambled eggs will continue to cook and firm up after removed from microwave.
Microwave ovens vary. Cook time may need to be adjusted.
Top with a sprinkle of shredded cheese or fresh herbs.
For rich creamy scrambled eggs, add small cubes of cream cheese or a dollop of cottage cheese before cooking.
For added flavor, stir a bit of creamy salad dressing, pesto, salsa or your favorite herb into the egg mixture.